I love stories and the fact is we all have many of them. Stories about our past, stories about our family, friends, partners, even about our future. Sometimes they are true, sometimes they can get in the way of what is true and our first development is learning to tell the difference. But this is only the start.
My writing and my coaching sessions, are dedicated to that process of better understanding our story and how it plays out day to day.
My writing and coaching is informed by some simple, yet ageless wisdom:
There is more to us than just physical form;
To understand ourselves we need to understand all of who we are;
The essence of who we are is within and untouched by life, we just don't connect to it consistently enough;
Our greatest source of tension and dis-ease can be traced back to the gap between what we live and who we are in truth.
Right now there is nothing more important than understanding where we fit in the grand scheme of things. There are so many answers swirling around the internet, in tea rooms, magazines, universities, on TV's and in bookstores but the reality is, real understanding, real settlement can only come from building a different relationship with ourselves.
This site and my work are dedicated to that purpose.
In Person, over the phone or on the internet, coaching sessions provide space for you to reflect, plan and implement new ways of tackling different situations.
Yet, Joel's approach comes with a twist...
Since 2012, I have been writing about my own exploration of life and The Livingness.
This site collates a range of blogs, allegories and articles that have been published on a number of different sites.
Road Gloria is not just any novel, it is a modern parable about the very core of life. What happens when you discover there are one of two oceans of energy for us to connect to...which ocean do you swim in?
"I was gifted this book from a dear friend of mine and read each part with care as it gave me a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me.
I absolutely loved the way it was written as it was so easy to connect to and relate to. I truly enjoyed the simplicity of lessons that the book brought to my life.
I was sad to finish it as I didn’t want it to end, but can’t wait for more books to be published.
Definitely recommend this book if you are asking the big questions about your place in this world and are open to see your inner truth." Jessica (Australia)
"Who's the driver?" is the second part of the Road Gloria story.
Taking the exploration over the oceans of consciousness that we swim in deeper.
"" Jessica (Australia)
This compilation of allegories is a rich reflection of the power of story. Exploring some of the more salient and vexed questions of our time, with illustrations as beautifully crafted as the imagery in the stories.
This is a must for the coffee table, the waiting room or the bedside table.
Featuring some never before published allegories.
The gift of inspiration...
A selected range of illustrations from "SHORT STORIES FOR BIG QUESTIONS" are available as posters, canvases or T-shirts.
You can wear them, hang them on your walls or give them as gifts.
Each illustration carries its own powerful message and a reminder of our innate delicateness and power.