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by Joel Levin


Here is a collation of my writings that have been

published on a number of sites since 2012.

Part philosophy, part self reflection all of it my experience.

Some are straight blogs, some are more allegorical in nature,

all of them present a different way to look at life.

The Eureka Daily

Joel Levin

‘Eureka’ is a Greek term that means “I have found it”. It became famous when Archimedes was said to have shouted eureka when he sat in his bath and noticed the water rising, giving birth to the theory of displacement.

Throughout history there are those who have observed life differently to others.

Newton, Einstein, Pythagoras, Da Vinci, Copernicus come to mind, and so the list could go on.

Some were heralded and some were reviled and even killed by the ruling powers of the day.

But society appears to have missed the real gift offered by these people. By focussing on the moment of epiphany we ignore the reality that these people lived a certain way in their daily lives. It was this daily practice that allowed them to see something in the natural environment that was seemingly invisible to all others until that moment.

Serge Benhayon is a man who lives life a certain way, he calls it the “cardiocentric approach” to life, a heart-centred approach that puts more stock in what is felt than thought. The result of this way of living has been ‘eureka moments’ on a near daily basis.

The inner-heart holds the true intelligence of the human body; true intelligence is cardio-centric and the human mind is but an executor of the energy that precedes it and gives it the scope (or limitations) in which to think.

He looked at the movement that creates day and night, the movement that create seasons and years and said ‘we live in cycles, not straight lines’. Highlighting the reality that while humans like thinking in lines, we actually live in a constant cycle back to the point from which we came: 6:00am to 6:00am, winter to winter, January to January etc.

How much more care would we take of ourselves, each other, even the planet, if we accepted the fact that the path we lay today is the one we will return to?

He looked at the way we see the world, the fact that light enters our eyes for us to see. This means that light (life) comes to us, we are not going toward it. Again, humans like to live in a planned forward movement but our senses suggest that life is actually the opposite.

How much more willing would we be to feeling what comes our way if we were not stuck in a perpetual drive forward?

Whilst each ‘eureka’ moment is worthy of volumes, we run the risk of missing a real lesson being shown.

The learning is that eureka moments come to those who live in a way that makes them open to seeing what is seemingly invisible to others. The beauty of this is that ‘great people’ become normal people who are just choosing to live a certain way.

So the ultimate eureka moment being offered is NOT in any one of the 1000’s of insights he has offered, but in the question ‘How does he live?’ that allows this to be so.


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